Fine Print journal online
Vol43 #1 of Fine Print is available here as a PDF – we realise that readers who usually get the journal at the workplace might not be able to do so for some time.

2020 AGM and speaker
Members and friends of VALBEC are invited to our AGM and a presentation by Dr Ron Wilson.
Online Meeting – Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 6.00pm AEST
COVID-19 Advice Update
VALBEC Members and Friends, The VALBEC Committee is very aware of the ongoing development of novel coronavirus, COVID-19, as a global health issue. We are monitoring the latest health advice from the Department of Health. This morning Premier Daniel Andrews declared a...

COVID-19 Advice
Conference Postponement – The VALBEC Committee is very aware of the development of novel coronavirus, COVID-19, as a global health issue.

Membership renewal now due
Renew now

Urban Lyrebirds – Singing in the adult classroom
Join us to learn from Sharon and Carmel, have a lot of fun and use our voices to create lively classes in adult literacy and language! 25 March 2020

What Counts – Numeracy Workshop
A practical hands on workshop for Literacy teachers who want to explore numeracy concepts also suitable for numeracy teachers who work in adult education. 21 April 2020

Positive Psychology for Adult Education
This workshop will provide practical strategies you can immediately apply as a teacher, in your organisation, or classroom. Marie delivers sessions that are engaging, interactive and transformative. 12 November 2019

Navigating Cyber Security
This workshop will ensure you stay relevant, informed and resourced in this increasingly digital world. Giving you a variety of resources for online safety, 25 November 2019

ACAL 2019 Australian Council for Adult Literacy Conference
Critical re-imagining: adult literacy and numeracy practices for sustainable development