Committee membership
Are you considering nominating for the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council (VALBEC) executive committee?
Nominations are accepted in the weeks leading up to the Annual General Meeting when the new committee is formally endorsed. There are opportunities to be co-opted onto the VALBEC committee during the year.
As a practitioner of LLN/ EAL / Youth programs you have a role to play in ensuring learners have the best educational opportunities for their learning pathways.
Being a member of the VALBEC committee will provide you with opportunities to network and engage in discussions to contribute and expand your knowledge of LLN and EAL.
We encourage you to consider the opportunity of nominating for the VALBEC committee.
Are you:
- committed to adult education
- an aspiring leader in the LLN or EAL field
- interested in teaching methodologies, resource development and research
- open to the benefits of mentoring and committee experience
- strongly collegiate and collaborative in your approach
- keen to expand your networks and build relationships to maintain your industry currency?
As a member of the committee you will experience a strong sense of collegiality and involvement in the ongoing work of VALBEC in providing professional development, resources and engagement with issues related to adult LLN teaching and learning in Victoria and nationally.
As a member of the committee you are required to:
- attend meetings regularly, either face to face (7) or online (2)
- read the agenda and minutes before the meeting
- scrutinise and approve financial reports
- contribute to planning and provision of professional development activities, including the conference
- send an apology to the secretary if unable to attend
- represent VALBEC at conferences and other events
- provide input and feedback on Fine Print editions
- complete tasks and report back to committee in a timely manner.
- must be an individual financial member of VALBEC
Additionally, you can participate in several other ways including:
- attending forums and other meetings related to adult literacy and education
- writing articles or seeking stories/writers for Fine Print
- contributing ideas and material for eVALBEC, VALBEC website and social media
- writing project proposals, reports, correspondence or promotional material.
- using your networks to seek information about adult literacy issues at local, national or international levels; report back issues, concerns or relevant activities
- promoting VALBEC activities and Fine Print.
As a committee member, you can join a sub-committee responsible for:
- Annual Conference
- Workshops and forums
- Other projects
- Fine print committee (meets separately)
There are opportunities to represent VALBEC on a range of groups and industry or government consultations such as
- ACAL (Australian Council for Adult Literacy)
- Curriculum Maintenance Manager – General & Further Education
- Victorian ACE Policy Network (formerly ACE peaks)
- Reading & Writing Hotline
- Adult Literacy Connect (State Library Victoria)
- NHV (Neighbourhood Houses Victoria)
- CGEA champions
- Other curriculum and policy consultations.
We encourage members to contact someone on the current committee to discuss nomination and involvement. Contact for details.
March 2019