November 2019 | VALBEC | Web version

1. From the President

2. Conferences:

  • VALBEC May 15 2020
  • NHV Conference
  • Community Colleges Australia
  • World Literacy Summit

3. Resources:

  • Victorian Legal Aid
  • Further Education (FE) Sector Research
  • EAL Based Reader – Living Well With Hepatitas B
  • TAFE staff
  • Adult Community Education staff in the National Tertiary Education Union
  • ACAL Annual General Meeting & Webinar – VALBEC Report

4. Special Dates Coming Up:

  • 25 November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  • 1 December – World AIDS day
  • 3 December – International Day of Persons with Disabilities

5. Professional Development:

  • Navigating the Digital World with Shruti Malavde – 25 November
  • Get the TAEASS502 in one week during January Term Break!

6. Fine Print: call-out for contributors

1. From the President

I was fortunate enough to attend the ACAL conference and was inspired by the many amazing presentations and workshops on offer. The venue was UTS, which is where I completed my undergrad so it was like old home-week for me in some ways, although the venue was a shiny new facility that wasn’t there in 1992. The pre-conference day was a focused discussion led by Joe Lo Bianco from Melbourne University and facilitated by Keiko Yasakawa from ACAL /UTS. Small groups discussed assigned readings, theory and practice in adult LLN(D) and from there formulated policy suggestions for collation.

The following 2 days offered a diverse range of workshops and keynotes to choose from – the overall flavour of the conference was of a ‘call to arms’ – that we must do something about the continued aging workforce in adult literacy and numeracy, that the increasing closure of adult literacy classes must be addressed, and why are there no longer any government subsidised adult literacy recognised teaching courses on offer in Australia? (If you know differently please let us know).
I am already looking forward to the 2020 ACAL conference in the ACT – perhaps we will storm parliament!!
Linno Rhodes, President

2. Conferences


As teachers and providers across diverse delivery environments, we find ways for all learners to feel welcome and capable of acquiring the skills they need.

There are so many ways of identifying learners: cultural – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, migrant, English-background; by their socio-economic status – lower socio-economic; by their past history of education or employment – disengaged youth, adult returning to study, unemployed, retrenched. Individuals get ‘lumped’ into their cultural/economic box. It’s convenient but perhaps the individual’s journey can get a bit forgotten.

In 2020 we would like learners AND teachers to tell us about the journey.

Find out more here

NHV Conference

Community Colleges Australia

The Community Colleges Australia (CCA) Annual Conference travels to Brisbane this November, promising an informative, inventive and invigorating two days of international speakers, expert presenters and community education provider specialists.


World Literacy Summit

The World Literacy Summit will be held in Oxford University in 2020


3. Resources

Victorian Legal Aid

Victorian Legal Aid have many resources available – one that works well with Literacy and EAL classes is  “What’s The Law”


Further Education (FE) Sector Research

This research aims to understand and provide evidence of how the further education (FE) sector is vital in transforming lives and communities in 21st century Britain. To provide a frame of reference, which is underpinned and driven by excellence in the sector, the study will provide learners and teachers with the opportunity to tell their stories, linking the distinctness of FE to the impact it has on individuals, society and the economy, and strongly drawing out the role of the teacher in making a difference to quality teaching and learning.


EAL Based Reader – Living Well With Hepatitas B

Hepatitis Victoria in collaboration with AMEP, has recently developed an EAL based reader for adults, Living Well with Hepatitis B, which addresses 4 common themes of living with Hepatitis B.


TAFE staff


Adult Community Education staff in the National Tertiary Education Union 


ACAL Annual General Meeting & Webinar: VALBEC Report

Report back to VALBEC committee by VALBEC representative Elizabeth Gunn

Roughly 20 participants joined the meeting and webinar on Wednesday afternoon. The executive committee nominations matched available spaces and now consists of:
President: Jo Medlin, TAFE, NSW
Vice-President: Meg Cotter, Wyndham Community & Education Centre, VIC
Secretary: Sue James, TAFE, SA
Treasurer: Lorraine Sushames, Charles Darwin University, NT

There is a good spread of representation across different states which is great. We wish outgoing Co-President Daniella Mayer a great 2020, travelling and spending time with family.

Details and to watch the webinar 

4. Special Dates Coming Up

  • 25 November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  • 1 December – World AIDS day
  • 3 December – International Day of Persons with Disabilities

5. Professional Development

Navigating the Digital World with Shruti Malavde – 25 November

This session is presented by Shruti Malavde who has been passionately working in the Adult Education Sector for the past 12 years. During her career she has successfully completed projects like Virtual Staffroom. Experienced Information Communication Technology professional with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in E-Learning, Learning Management, Educational Technology, virtual classroom and Instructional Design, Shruti is a compassionate trainer helping bridge the gap between CALD learners and digital natives technology.

In this workshop, we will explore a variety of topics, such as device security, managing privacy settings, managing digital assets, preventing and responding to identity theft, and reporting scams. Teachers will also explore a variety of resources for online safety.


Get the TAEASS502 in one week during January Term Break!

Upgrade your TAE credentials with TAEASS502, Design & develop assessment tools
LWA is offering the TAEASS502 in Richmond, VIC.When: 6 – 10 January 2020
Face-to-face Delivery: Monday – 6 January and Tuesday -7 January 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Where: 13 William Street Richmond, Vic 3121
Online Delivery: Online access for learning and tutorials
Cost: $350Training over one week via a combination of face-to-face and online. Participants work at their own pace to submit materials within the month of January.

Registration / queries: or email

6. Fine Print: call-out for contributors

We want to hear from literacy educators about your experiences and opinions regarding Climate Change literacy.
If you’ve got something to say or have seen/heard/read something you would like to explore further, please contact us:

Meanwhile … members and subscribers will receive your copies of Fine Print Vol.42 #3 later in November. Read Rob McCormack on Freire, Jodie Whitehurst on the benefits of drama for EAL learners, a thank-you note from Kirke Olson and an update on the Literacy 4.0 Project. And that’s just for starters. Make sure your membership is up to date, so you don’t miss out.