July 2020 | VALBEC

VALBEC’s 2020 Conference – ‘All Comers Welcome’ is on December 2nd.

Students, teachers and providers have had a tough time in the last few months learning to do things differently.

We have changed how we work. We have changed how we connect with others. We have had to change our expectations, recognise the limitations and the opportunities. There are precious things we have had to let go of and new gems that have unexpectedly presented themselves.

Somehow, we have had to find order in the chaos.

We invite you to join your colleagues on December 2nd to care and share your and your students’ experiences.

What are we doing to prepare?

Over the next few months VALBEC will investigate the best ways to make the conference available to you. We will look at the options including a traditional ‘in person’ gathering, a blended program of face-to-face and online presentations or a fully virtual conference.

For the time being, nothing will change on the website as we re-frame our program. But don’t let that prevent you from submitting an abstract. We will discuss with you how you would like to present your work and support you to negotiate the health and safety requirements.

So, put these dates into your diaries and calendars:

  • October 30th – Call for presentations closes.
    So, there’s plenty of time for you to develop an abstract and submit
  • November 13th – Acceptances for presentations will be sent out.
  • December 2nd – VALBEC 2020 Conference – All Comers Welcome.

Fine Print – Look back and thinking forward

We hope you’re looking forward to the next issue of Fine Print, which should reach your letterbox in August. While you’re waiting, don’t forget that the current issue of Fine Print is available to download as a PDF here: https://archive.valbec.org.au/2020/03/30/fine-print-journal-online/. We have also recently uploaded all the 2018 issues to the Fine Print Archive: https://archive.valbec.org.au/fine-print-archive/. Read about the Welcome to the Library project in Vol. 41 #1, The Public Pedagogies Institute in Vol. 41 #2, and the Yes, I Can! model in Vol. 41 #3 along with many other inspiring and thought-provoking stories.

If you would like to submit an article to Fine Print or to send feedback, please email fineprintvalbec@gmail.com