December 2019 | VALBEC | Web version
2. Conferences
3. Resources
4. Special Dates Coming Up
5. Professional Development: Get the TAEASS502 in one week during January Term Break!
6. Fine Print: Is Paulo Freire still relevant?
1. From the President
The VALBEC and FINE PRINT editorial committees would like to thank our funding body, ACFE, for their continued support and commitment to VALBEC and Fine Print.
We would like wish our subscribers and members a restful and relaxing summer and festive season.
We farewelled some important people from VALBEC this year – Don MacDowell who has led us in our admin for the past 20 years – I think he (fondly) said we were like herding cats! We also said goodbye to Lifetime Members Ann Haynes and Lynne Matheson. Other members to leave us were outgoing co-president Meg Cotter, and general committee members Karen Dymke and Kathrin Colgan. We thank you all for your time at VALBEC, the wealth of experience you shared and your commitment to the sector.
As they say, when one door closes another opens…we welcomed Anna Musgrove to the VALBEC admin role, and general committee members Chris Tully, Pam Mahlis, Sandy Iyngkaren, Kerrie Tomkin and Mieke Alexander (since resigned). We have 2 numeracy experts (Chris and Pam) on this year’s committee which is very exciting…watch this space.
In 2019 we held a successful and well attended conference, expertly convened by Rhonda Pelletier. Thanks Rhonda!
We held 4 workshops – we kicked off our PD calendar early in February with a workshop hosted by the leaders in Pronunciation in EAL teaching at Carringbush Adult Education; followed by Positive Psychology for Adult Learning with international Guests Kirke Olson and Sher Kamman and local Pos Psy expert, Marie MacLeod; next up was EAL teaching and Drama with Jodie Whitehurst; and finally another session on using Pos Psy in the adult classroom with Marie. Oh – and we just held our final session which was about Digital and Cyber safety and awareness and instructed by Shruti Malavde. If you have any thoughts on the types of PD you would like VALBEC to organise – please let us know.
This year we provided funding for an adult literacy practitioner to travel to San Diego to attend the ProLiteracy conference. I am very much looking forward to reading Tina Vlahos’ Fine Print article about her trip and all the thoughtful insights and connections she made. We hope to provide this funding on an annual or biannual basis as we strive to learn about what is happening overseas in this space.
We are looking forward to another wonderful year in 2020 – planning for the Annual VALBEC Conference in May is underway already with Rhonda once again convening with the support of new member Kerrie Tomkins.
We would also like to acknowledge the hard work of other organisations with whom we work – ACAL, The Reading and Writing Hotline, ALA, CMMs Nadia Casarotto and Cheryl Bartolo, other State organisations, Neighbourhood Houses Victoria, the Victorian ACE Policy Network, Adult Literacy Connect and Public Libraries Victoria – and wish them a safe and happy festive season.
Lastly, I would like to thank the Executive and General Committee members of VALBEC. We are all volunteers on the Committee and do so because we are committed to the sector and to providing quality professional development and advocacy to the many wonderful literacy and EAL practitioners out there.
Best wishes from Linno Rhodes, VALBEC President, on behalf of the VALBEC Committee
2. Conferences
2020 VALBEC Conference – Call for Papers Out Soon
Now is the time to start thinking about 2020 and delivery for your students.
‘All Comers: Welcome’ is designed to make it easier to involve your students in the conference.
We invite you to consider the different ways you can present your students’ journeys:
A poster tour – make one poster size panel to show the journey of one or more students. The posters will be mounted on display boards along the wall of the auditorium. The first session after lunch will be a 45min ‘tour’ where everyone can walk around the room and view the work done, and talk to the students and their teachers. Posters remain your property and, we imagine, may make a great banner for your foyer.
Workshops, presentations, panel presentations, Q&A sessions
– these types of presentations may suit your needs.
– Time limit: 60 min – you should consider leaving 10 – 15 min for questions.
– Shorter sessions of 45min or 30min will also be considered
NHV Conference
Community Colleges Australia
Community Colleges Australia – 2019 Conference in November.