April 2020 | VALBEC | Web version
1. From the President
2. Conferences
3. Resources
4. Professional Development
5. It’s time to RENEW…VALBEC membership is now due!
2020: The UN Year of Plant Health
1. From the President
Hello members and friends of VALBEC,
Usually at this time of the year the VALBEC comm are busy getting ready for the May conference – naturally we have postponed but we are still getting ready for our online AGM.
I am amazed at the generosity of people at the moment – so many online classes and groups available to the public for free consumption.
VALBEC and Fine Print are also offering a free PDF of the current Fine Print – available on our website here
Stay safe and take care from all of us.
2. Conferences
“All Comers Welcome” 2020 VALBEC Conference
*** NEW Date Announcement – Wednesday, 2nd December 2020
William Angliss Conference Centre
More than ever, how students adjust to the changing circumstances of their learning is a focus for teachers and providers. No doubt, there will be plenty of discoveries to explore and celebrate when things settle down. Perhaps there will be some questions remaining to be answered. Share your and your students’ experiences in a workshop, presentation, panel …
The Call for Papers page remains open until October 30th.
2020 ACAL Conference Announcement
The ACAL 2020 national conference organising committee has observed the cancellation of numerous gatherings around the world, as well as locally, due to concerns about the health impacts of CoVID-19 and have carefully reviewed ACAL’s own situation.
As a result we have determined that there WILL NOT be a national conference held this year. It will be only the second time in ACAL’s 44-year history that this has occurred – the last being in 1993. Our decision-making has, of necessity, been guided by prioritising everyone’s health and well-being.
We are aware of the value placed on the annual conference by delegates and ask for your understanding at this time. While the current situation makes it impossible to have certainty that we would be able to provide a truly safe environment this year, we look forward with anticipation to the 2021 event.
4. Professional Development
VALBEC Annual General Meeting (AGM) Including Presentation by Dr Ron Wilson – 22 April
Members and friends of VALBEC are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Council and a presentation by Dr Ron Wilson “Adult literacy matters in a Corrections environment“
Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 6.00pm
Online Event
Register Here
VALBEC Committee nominations
Have you considered joining the VALBEC Committee?
We are a dynamic and collaborative group who meet once a month to discuss, plan and take action on behalf of members and the ALBE field.
Nominations are to be forwarded to the returning officer before the AGM. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask by emailing info@valbec.org.au
Consider a role on the Committee
More about the AGM and nominations
5. Have you renewed your membership yet?
The VALBEC Committee has determined that the membership fees for 2020-2021 will be:-
- Small Organisation – less than 4 EFT staff * $165
- Institutional membership – base rate $245
- Institutional membership – multi campus (with 3 copies of Fine Print) $425
- Individual membership – employed 0.6 and above $105
- Individual membership – part time/sessional $65
- Individual membership – students/unemployed $45
* Indicates the number of active full-time equivalent employees (based on aggregated hours worked by all full-time and part-time employees). Please ensure you renew, or apply, for membership under the correct level.
Members receive:
- Fine Print three times a year – a high quality journal for discussion and debate about good practice, theory and policy issues. Feedback and contributions are actively sought from members about content and issues.
- eVALBEC – our e-mail communication keeping members informed of professional development activities, general committee activities and more up to date policy changes.
- Discounts for the Annual Conference and other VALBEC statewide professional development.
- Issues-based forums.
- Focus on significant policy issues impacting on the field.
- Free numeracy resources
Renew now (pay online or get an invoice)
6. Fine Print – Electronic Copy of this Edition
Fine Print was posted to VALBEC members last week. It’s a cracker edition, full of thought-provoking ideas and practical advice. We are very aware, however, that many of you read Fine Print in your institution’s tearoom or library, and that might not be possible for some time. With this in mind, we have posted an electronic copy of this issue on the VALBEC homepage so you can read it at home.
If you are not currently a VALBEC member and like what you see in Fine Print, please consider becoming a member. You will receive Fine Print in hard copy three times a year – say what you like about the convenience of the internet, there’s something special about getting something in the mail – and we depend on VALBEC members to keep Fine Print journal going.
You can download the current edition of Fine Print here: https://archive.valbec.org.au/2020/03/30/fine-print-journal-online/
If you would like to submit an article to Fine Print or to send feedback, please email fineprintvalbec@gmail.com