What do words mean and does it matter where they come from?

Online meeting: Wednesday 21 April 2021, 6:30pm AEST

Members and friends are invited to join the VALBEC Committee for our Annual General Meeting, followed by a presentation by PIP WILLIAMS, author of the highly acclaimed historical novel, The Dictionary of Lost Words.

Pip Williams was born in London, grew up in Sydney and now calls the Adelaide Hills home. She is co-author of the book Time Bomb: Work, Rest and Play in Australia Today (New South Books, 2012) and in 2017 she wrote One Italian Summer, a memoir of her family’s travels in search of the good life, which was published with Affirm Press. Pip has also published travel articles, book reviews, flash fiction and poetry. In The Dictionary of Lost Words Pip has delved into the archives of the Oxford English Dictionary and found a tale of missing words and the lives of women lived between the lines. It is her first novel.

Annual General Meeting

Online meeting – Wednesday 21 April 2021, 6:30pm AEST

The AGM will involve presentation of reports on the 2020 VALBEC year and the election of the new Executive committee for 2021 – 2022.

The agenda for the AGM is:

1. Reports

  • Presidents
  • Treasurer

2. Election of new office bearers

3. Confirmation of Auditor

4. Presentation by guest speaker: Pip Williams



VALBEC Committee nominations

The VALBEC committee is a dynamic and collaborative group who meet once a month to discuss, plan and take action on behalf of members and the ALBE field. Nominations to be forwarded to the returning officer before the meeting.