Report back to VALBEC committee by VALBEC representative Elizabeth Gunn
Roughly 20 participants joined the meeting and webinar on Wednesday afternoon. The executive committee nominations matched available spaces and now consists of:
President: Jo Medlin, TAFE NSW;
Vice-President: Meg Cotter, Wyndham Community & Education Centre, VIC;
Secretary: Sue James, TAFE, SA
Treasurer: Lorraine Sushames, Charles Darwin University, NT
There is a good spread of representation across different states which is great. We wish outgoing Co-President Daniella Mayer a great 2020, travelling and spending time with family.
The AGM was followed by Lidia Lipkiewicz‘s ‘Plan a project’ webinar. Lidia is the 2018 winner of the Australian Training Award in Excellence in Language, Literacy, Numeracy Practice. ‘Plan a project’ is a weekly, project-based program that develops language, literacy and numeracy skills as well as employability skills. Lidia’s contribution to adult literacy learning points to the importance of leveraging, supporting and rewarding educators who have extensive experience and show courage in implementing new methods and sharing their ideas with colleagues. Lidia’s presentation was extremely accessible, and Lidia provided a number of resources; lesson plans, power points and contact details. I would recommend institutions throughout Australia take the opportunity to share Lidia’s important work with their adult literacy educators.
Contact Lidia here: