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Facilitators: Jan Hagston and Lee Kindler
Adult literacy learners often identify spelling as a problem. They see their poor spelling as evidence of deficient writing skills and lack of general English proficiency and, like it or not, we are judged on our spelling.
Spelling knowledge has been found to be connected to other areas of literacy. It can help learners understand how words work at the levels of sound, structure and meaning which can enhance vocabulary and develop reading comprehension.
It is difficult for many people to develop spelling skills through exposure to print alone. Research has shown that explicit teaching of spelling can significantly improve students’ spelling performance.
A number of theorists have advocated the teaching of several spelling knowledges as a way of building the linguistic skills and processes that students need to become proficient spellers. In this workshop we will look at developing spelling knowledges – morphemic, etymological, phonological and visual.
We will focus on activities that build on adult learners’ existing knowledge and skills, provide the flexibility that adult learners need, and focus on applying knowledge in real-life situations. We will also look at effective assessment of spelling, and how technology can be used successfully to improve spelling.
Where: Room B310, CAE City Campus, Flinders Lane, Melbourne Map
When: 1-4pm Friday 17th, November
Limit: 25
FREE for members but you must register.
$30 for non-member
Sandwiches and refreshments served 1-1.30pm.