eVALBEC May 2006
This is the electronic newsletter of VALBEC, the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council, and is sent to about 900 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the ‘News’ section of our web site http://www.valbec.org.au
Disclaimer: The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by VALBEC in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.
1. 2006 VALBEC Conference RiTHre RItNow,  Friday May 5, William Angliss Conference Centre, La Trobe Street Melbourne
2. VALBEC Membership
3. CGEA Reaccreditation
4. ACAL eNews
5. Literacy Live
6. Apply To Learn - 2006 VALA Conference
7. Literacy: It’s Everyone’s Business: the 2006 National ACAL Conference
8. NCVER's adult literacy breakfast briefings  - Register now
9. Bendigo Twilight Forum April 11, 2006
10. Coming up in the Autumn 2006 edition of  Fine Print
11. Subscribe to eVALBEC?
12. Unsubscribe?
13. Contact VALBEC
1. 2006 VALBEC Conference
RiTHre RItNow,  Friday May 5, William Angliss Conference Centre, La Trobe Street Melbourne
A few places are still available  - register online at  http://www.valbec.org.au
Full details of the 21 sessions are available online and you can choose your workshop too.
Pre-conference Digital Story Workshop, 3-6 pm, Thursday, May 4
If you’ve registered for the pre-conference workshop, visit http://www.valbec.org.au for a list of items to bring.
Join us for dinner after the Pre-Conference workshop at The Plough Hotel, 333 Barkly Street, Footscray at 6:30pm (cnr of Geelong Road and Barkly Street). RSVP to info@valbec.org.au
All details at http://www.valbec.org.au
2. VALBEC Membership
Membership reminders might still be floating around on your desk. Can you move the coffee cup, file the Commonwealth Games volunteering form, put away the dates for term breaks for 2006 and complete it promptly? Thanks.
3. CGEA Reaccreditation
Participate by going to http://tls.vu.edu.au/cf/sitntalk/main.cfm. Click on Certificates in General Education for Adults. Contact Lynne
Fitzpatrick & Liz Davidson sicmm.generalstudies@vu.edu.au
4. ACAL eNews
ACAL Australian Council for Adult Literacy) our national body produces a quarterly electronic newsletter and the new one is just out. To get it you need to subscribe – no fee, but you must subscribe. VALBEC did distribute it in the past but many people where getting it twice or even three times.
To subscribe to ACAL eNews send an email to
acal@pacific.net.au with the words “Subscribe ACAL eNews” in the subject line.
You can see ACAL eNews at http://www.acal.edu.au/enews.shtml
5. Literacy Live
Online meetings in Literacy Live http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/course/view.php?id=221 have begun again and the May 25  session  will walk you through the use of PhotoStory3 to create a digital story. PS3 is the easiest of the software options for digital storytelling and a great place to start both for teachers new to the concept and ICT, and students.
6. Apply To Learn - 2006 VALA Conference
VALA – (Victorian Applied Learning Association) and VCAA (Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority) present this VCAL Professional Development Event and for all who use applied learning strategies, CGEA, VCE, Middle years and VELS applications!
Wednesday May 24,, 9.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m. at CAE 253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
Takeaway Great Ideas! Network! All workshops will be hands on, practical and applied.
Lesson ideas and curriculum directions to takeaway!
COST : $40 VALA members $100 non-members
Details: http://www.vala.asn.au
7. Literacy: It’s Everyone’s Business: the 2006 National ACAL Conference
The South Australian Council for Adult Literacy (SACAL) is hosting the 2006 National ACAL Conference in Adelaide on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October 2006.  For information and ’Call for Papers’ go to http://www.sacal.sa.edu.au/
8. NCVER's adult literacy breakfast briefings  - Register now
(see April eVALBEC)
Are you interested in the current picture of adult literacy and numeracy  provision in Australia? If so, register now for NCVER's upcoming breakfast  briefings: 'Reading between the lines: Summing up adult literacy and  numeracy research'.
Further information and access to the online registration form is available from NCVER's website
9. Bendigo Twilight Forum April 11, 2006
See youse later: teaching English literacy to Australians
Speaker Rosie McKenry
For a brief summary of this event go to  http://www.valbec.org.au/05/bendigo_twilight_forum.htm
10. Coming up in the Autumn 2006 edition of  Fine Print
Fine Print should be in your letter box about now!
Contradicting Stereotypes: reflecting on case studies of  success by Peter Waterhouse and Crina VirgonaPolicy-in-Practice:  Practitioner
- Perspectives on ALBE in the Top End by Margaret  Palmers

- Building on the best: the A-Frame for non-accredited learning by  Karen Dymke
ACE Connects with learners: findings from a longitudinal study  by Anne Walstab
11. Subscribe to eVALBEC?
Click this link <mailto:info@valbec.org.au?subject=eVALBEC_Subscribe> and we’ll put you on the list to receive this monthly enewsletter.
12. Unsubscribe?
Just click this link <mailto:info@valbec.org.au?subject=eVALBEC_Unsubscribe> (no typing required!) and hit Send or, send an e-mail with the word Unsubscribe in the subject.
13. Contact VALBEC
eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council.
Web: http://www.valbec.org.au
Postal: Box 861 Springvale South VIC 3172
Ph: 03 9546 6892
Fax: 03 9546 0421