eVALBEC June 2008
This is the electronic newsletter of VALBEC, the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council, and is sent to about 850 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the ‘News’ section of our web site http://www.valbec.org.au
Disclaimer: The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by VALBEC in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.
How to submit items: http://www.valbec.org.au/05/news.htm
1. Securing Our Future Economic Prosperity - Discussion paper on Skills Reform
2. Annual General Meeting & Twilight Forum Kew Neighbourhood House, 2-12 Derby St, Kew. Melways 46 D5
3. Fine Print Student Writing edition
4. ACAL's Next Literacy Live June 3
5. And then another Literacy Live June 23
6. ACAL Conference – Registrations now open
7. 30 years of VALBEC Celebration Dinner Still glides the stream  VALBEC conference 2008
8. Changing langwidge
9. Expression of interest: Community of Practice 2008
10. 2008 Victorian Adult Community Education Awards.
11. CAE PD day: CGEA revisited - sharing together: 13th June
12. CAE PD day: Numeracy for all - teaching and learning for VCAL, CGEA & Middle years: 23rd July
13. Adult Learning Australia's 48th Annual Conference
14. Free photocopier
15. Subscribe to eVALBEC?
16. Unsubscribe?
17. Contact VALBEC
1. Securing Our Future Economic Prosperity - Discussion paper on Skills Reform
This paper outlines the Victorian Government's proposed reforms to Victoria's training system.
Electronic versions of this paper are available at
You'll also get information on the consultation process and how to make a submission.
VALBEC will be making a response that will be posted on the website after June10.
2. Annual General Meeting & Twilight Forum
Kew Neighbourhood House, 2-12 Derby St, Kew. Melways 46 D5
7 pm ­ 8.30pm
A light supper will be provided
Twilight Forum:  Literacy to Literature
Nick Gadd worked as a teacher of ESL, EFL and adult literacy from 1988-1997.
From 1991-1997 he worked in the TAFE sector and was actively involved in VALBEC as a member of the Fine Print editorial committee. These days Nick works as the communications manager of the Australia Business Arts Foundation.  Nick is the author of Ghostlines, a novel that won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an Unpublished Manuscript in 2007.
Ghostlines will be published by Scribe in September 2008. Nick will talk about his experience of writing the novel and how his understanding of language and literature was influenced by his years as a teacher
Annual General Meeting
Members are invited to attend and hear reports on the 2007 VALBEC year and elect their representatives for the coming year.
The agenda for the AGM is:
A. Receive reports
B. Elect new office bearers.
All positions on the committee will be open for election. Please consider nominating, attending or encouraging others to join.
RSVP info@valbec.org.au by June 16
3. Fine Print Student Writing edition
Help us with our special Summer 2008 Edition of Fine Print “Celebrating ALBE Students and their Writing”
We want to celebrate the work of adult literacy students by publishing their writing. We want to build a picture of the diverse learning contexts, the life experiences, and the goals and thoughts of our learners. We also want to highlight teaching approaches to writing by publishing short reflections from teachers. Talk to your students about the reason for this edition, ask them to write a reflective piece and contribute a brief reflection of your own on how you approach the teaching of writing, preferably with reference to the students writing piece submitted.
We would like to hear how you inspire your students, and how you facilitate the writing process.
Details http://www.valbec.org.au/studentwriting.htm
Deadline September 28, 2008
4. ACAL's Next Literacy Live
Tuesday, June 3 at 8pm (AEST) • Free and at your own computer
‘The VALBEC History Project’ with Beverley Campbell
VALBEC was established in 1978 as a professional organisation. Its journal Fine Print began publication soon afterwards in 1979. Through their presence, VALBEC and Fine Print have been both a mirror to the adult literacy field, reflecting trends and changes, at the same time as they have helped to shape those trends through professional development activities and the many articles published.
Join Bev in Literacy Live, the ACAL online discussion.
More details and registration http://www.acal.edu.au/litlive.htm
5. And then another Literacy Live
Tuesday 23 June 8:00pm (AEST) • Free and at your own computer
‘Integrating new Literacies into Classroom Practice’
How do we engage reluctant learners in reading and writing? With Kerrin Pryor
Upper Yarra Community House, funded by a DEST Innovative Literacy Project grant, conducted an action research project which showed that teachers know very little about their student’s home literacy practices and that young people use the new literacies with functional and social ease yet lack critical thinking around these practices. SMS, Games and Website activities were trialled underpinned by a critical literacy perspective. These activities successfully engaged our learners.
Join Kerrin in Literacy Live, the ACAL online discussion.
More details and registration http://www.acal.edu.au/litlive.htm
6. ACAL Conference – Registrations now open
Member rates apply to financial members of ACAL or QCAL
Call for Abstracts – abstracts due by 10 June
Expressions of interest can be made online at http://www.astmanagement.com.au/qcal8/qcal_abstract.asp
Re keynote speakers:
-  Noyona Chanda, Assistant Director and Head of Numeracy, LLU+ at London South Bank University.
-  Hermine Scheeres, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Technology, Sydney.  Currently researching health literacy & communication.
-  Michael Balfour, Professor and Chair, Applied and Social Theatre, Griffith University. Currently involved in pilot projects developing arts-based work with multi-ethnic groups of refugees.
-  Colleen Mitrow, Principal, Southside Education Centre, providing access to education for young mainly indigenous women between the ages of 12 and 24 years, whose lives have been marked by trauma and disadvantage.
QCAL (the hosts) are working on the Pre-Conference Forum which will focus on Social Inclusion – watch this space for more information.
QCAL would like to hear from anyone wishing to sponsor speakers, or the Ginibi (Black Swan) Dancers (from Southside Education), or individual attendance at the conference.
All Conference information http://www.astmanagement.com.au/qcal8/Background.htm
7. 30 years of VALBEC Celebration Dinner
Thanks to all who attended and helped to make it such a special night to remember.
Still glides the stream  VALBEC conference 2008
Thanks to presenters for the high standard and range of engaging presentations that made the day such a success.  We trust that all who attended gained much to take back and apply with their students and in the workplace.
Visit http://www.valbec.org.au/conf08/sessions.htm to see the presentations that have been provided by speakers.
8. Changing langwidge
If you heard Kate Burridge speak at our conference about changing language (past and present!) you'll appreciate a reference in a words newsletter World Wide Words. http://www.worldwidewords.org/nl/qrsw.htm
Dig in to a recent newsletter to see how words have changed. There's also a reference to the Spelling Society hence the following (in 'simplified spelling')

Th perenial complaint of oldr jenrations that ther desendnts fal short of ther eldrs has ofn been aplyd to languaj, and, within languaj, to yung peples spelng in particulr.
9. Expression of interest: Community of Practice 2008
The Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board has initiated a new Course design capability for ACFE funded RTOs project.
The General Studies and Further Education Curriculum Maintenance Manager has been contracted by the ACFE Board to co-ordinate this project to build course design and delivery capacity amongst ACE providers. Key program managers or co-ordinators will draw on the full range of current curriculum and Training Packages to design courses which meet the needs of ACFE
priority learner groups.
Queries?  Lynne Fitzpatrick at Victoria University 9919 8375 lynne.fitzpatrick@vu.edu.au
10. 2008 Victorian Adult Community Education Awards.
Information about these awards are now available for download from the Adult Community and Further Education Board at http://www.acfe.vic.gov.au/
The Victorian Government presents the awards to celebrate the outstanding achievements of people and organisations in ACE. They formally acknowledge the significant contribution made by people in ACE to the capacity, capability, sustainability and productivity of the Victorian community.
Nominations close for all categories on Friday 4 July 2008 and the Awards
Presentation Luncheon will be held on Monday 11 August.
11. CAE PD day: CGEA revisited - sharing together: 13th June
Having survived the first semester, this day will give practitioners the opportunity to revisit the new CGEA and gain ideas and strategies by working with colleagues on the planning, delivery and assessment of the CGEA. Come along to some facilitated sharing and validation sessions. A great chance to share, contribute and learn from colleagues.
CAE, 253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, $150.00
More details philippa@cae.edu.au or http://www.saalt.com.au/profdev.html
12. CAE PD day: Numeracy for all - teaching and learning for VCAL, CGEA & Middle years: 23rd July
Feel alone and unsure about how to teach numeracy and maths in VCAL or the CGEA or in the middle years? New to teaching numeracy and maths and don’t feel confident about how to teach it in an applied way or how to teach the underpinning maths skills? Want to learn how to integrate numeracy into your literacy teaching? Don’t know where to go for resources or help? Can maths be delivered in a more engaging, hands on, applied learning, flexible way?
CAE, 253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, $230.00
More details davet@cae.edu.au or http://www.saalt.com.au/profdev.html
13. Adult Learning Australia's 48th Annual Conference
SOCIAL INCLUSION - Engaging the Disengaged through Life-Wide Learning
30 October- 1st November 2008  Esplanade Hotel, Fremantle WA
For details of Call for Papers and the Conference go to
14. Free photocopier
Greencollect has a large volume photocopier - model Ricoh FT 7670. It is a 2000 model, and has not been used since 2003.
As far as we know is in good working order. It is free to good home "as is".
Will need service, which is likely to be the main expense. We can deliver it to your location for small fee.
Will be taken to recyclers at end of June if no takers.
(Facilitation of exchange is on behalf of client who presently owns machine).
See item at http://www.greencollect.org/our-services/reuse/browse.php?type=9
Contact Nick Ray 0417 114 492 nick.ray@greencollect.org
15. Subscribe to eVALBEC?
Click this link <mailto:info@valbec.org.au?subject=eVALBEC_Subscribe> and we’ll put you on the list to receive this monthly enewsletter.
16. Unsubscribe?
Just click this link <mailto:info@valbec.org.au?subject=eVALBEC_Unsubscribe> (no typing required!) and hit Send or, send an e-mail with the word Unsubscribe in the subject.
17. Contact VALBEC
eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy  and Basic Education Council.
Web: http://www.valbec.org.au
Postal: Box 861 Springvale South VIC 3172
Ph: 03 9546 6892
Fax: 03 9546 0421