eVALBEC April 2006
This is the electronic newsletter of VALBEC, the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council, and is sent to about 900 practitioners on the first of each month (other than January). It is also available in the ‘News’ section of our web site http://www.valbec.org.au
Disclaimer: The activities, goods and services mentioned in eVALBEC are not endorsed by VALBEC in any way. People should make their own judgment about the suitability of each item.
1. 2006 VALBEC Conference • RiTHre RItNow, Friday May 5, William Angliss Conference Centre, La Trobe Street Melbourne
2. Bendigo Twilight Forum April 11, 2006 • See youse later: teaching English literacy to Australians
3. 2006 Minister’s Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Improving Literacy and/or Numeracy
4. Fees and Charges policy
5. Apply To Learn - 2006 VALA Conference
6. NCVER's adult literacy breakfast briefings - Register now
7. CGEA Reaccreditation
8. NMIT Professional Development Conference
9. Literacy: It’s Everyone’s Business: the 2006 National ACAL Conference
10. Red Pocket Rabbit's Foot
11. Literacy Live
12. Creating Community through Public Speaking: An Introduction to Rhetoric
13. Adult literacy, numeracy and ESL teachers required at CAE
14. VALBEC membership
15. Subscribe to eVALBEC?
16. Unsubscribe?
1. 2006 VALBEC Conference
RiTHre RItNow, Friday May 5, William Angliss Conference Centre, La Trobe Street Melbourne
All details at http://www.valbec.org.au
• Registrations are open and the venue size means numbers are limited.
• Early bird - if you act now you can catch the early bird – discount that is (members only). Early bird regsirtsison must eb received by April 10.
• Full details of the 21 sessions are available online and you can choose your workshop too.
• This year we’re offering, as a free Pre-Conference Event ‘Building a Story of the Moving Kind - Using Photo Story 3 to build a digital story’ with Debbie Soccio, Victoria University. More details at – you guessed it – http//www.valbec.org.au
• Join us for dinner after the Pre-Conference workshop at The Plough Hotel, 333 Barkly Street, Footscray at 6:30pm (cnr of Geelong Road and Barkly Street)
All details at http://www.valbec.org.au
2. Bendigo Twilight Forum April 11, 2006
See youse later: teaching English literacy to Australians
Speaker Rosie McKenry
Members and non-members welcome
The event is fee-free courtesy of VALBEC and ACFE but you must register by emailing VALBEC info@valbec.org.au before Wednesday, April 5
Worldwide research has shown that people learn more easily if the language of instruction is the same as the language in their thoughts - that is, their first or home language. People can then understand basic concepts in their first language and later can more easily transfer this understanding to another language; for example, Standard Australian English (SAE). How can teachers of Australia students utilise this research?
It has long been recognised that students from a language background other than English need to maintain their home language so that they have it as a means of making sense of what they are taught. With a strong first language they have more chance of becoming literate in English than if their home language is lost or weak.
But what about students who were born in Australia and who don't speak a language other than English?
The majority of students we teach - including those at a TAFE - actually use non-standard English on a daily basis. Teachers can teach students to recognise the differences between this and SAE and show them how to have control of the language they use - in order to suit particular circumstances. For example, the way they speak to peers may be different from the way they speak when going for a job interview or speaking to customers in a shop.
More details http://www.valbec.org.au/05/bendigo_twilight_forum.htm
3. 2006 Minister’s Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Improving Literacy and/or Numeracy
The National Literacy and Numeracy Week (NLNW) Minister’s Awards recognise and acknowledge the outstanding work being carried out by individuals in the wider community to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes
Nomination forms and guidelines at http://www.literacyandnumeracy.gov.au/2006/ministers_awards.htm
4. Fees and Charges policy
VALBEC has been asked to contribute to the OTTE consultations regarding the implementation of the Fees and Charges policy. A number of providers were asked to comment and the VALBEC response will be posted on the website soon.
5. Apply To Learn - 2006 VALA Conference
VALA – (Victorian Applied Learning Association) and VCAA (Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority) present this VCAL Professional Development Event and for all who use applied learning strategies, CGEA, VCE, Middle years and VELS applications!
Wednesday May 24,, 9.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m. at CAE 253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
Takeaway Great Ideas! Network! All workshops will be hands on, practical and applied.
Lesson ideas and curriculum directions to takeaway!
COST : $40 VALA members $100 non-members
Details: http://www.vala.asn.au
6. NCVER's adult literacy breakfast briefings - Register now
Are you interested in the current picture of adult literacy and numeracy provision in Australia? If so, register now for NCVER's upcoming breakfast briefings: 'Reading between the lines: Summing up adult literacy and numeracy research'. Over breakfast, NCVER will present key findings from the latest research about: * the efforts to address adult literacy and numeracy levels * the improvements of literacy skills and what this means to individuals, workplaces and communities * the elements of successful provision. Briefings will be held in Adelaide, Hobart, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, and Perth in conjunction with the 'Training Forum 2006: Skilling for Work'.
Further information and access to the online registration form is available from NCVER's website
7. CGEA Reaccreditation
Many thanks to those who have provided their insights on where they think the CGEA needs to go in the next five years, via SITNtalk, teacher surveys, interviews and focus groups and student surveys. We are working towards assembling this research for our first project steering committee meeting on 6th April. John Radalj will represent VALBEC on the Project Steering Committee.
Participate by going to http://tls.vu.edu.au/cf/sitntalk/main.cfm. Click on Certificates in General Education for Adults. Contact Lynne
Fitzpatrick & Liz Davidson sicmm.generalstudies@vu.edu.au
8. NMIT Professional Development Conference
The NMIT Faculty of Further Education is pleased to announce its annual professional development Conference to be held on Friday 14 July 2006 at the NMIT Epping Campus. The theme for this conference is Building Communities: Strengthening Educational Links. Focus areas will include: Student Focus, Research Projects and Partnerships.
Please visit the website http://www.nmit.vic.edu.au/faculties/furthered/conferences/2006/default.html
A Call for Abstracts link is also on the page for anyone interested in presenting. Closing date for Abstracts now extended to Thursday 13 April 2006.
Any questions please contact Rita Hawkins ritah-fs@nmit.vic.edu.au or Telephone: 9269 1081
9. Literacy: It’s Everyone’s Business: the 2006 National ACAL Conference
The South Australian Council for Adult Literacy (SACAL) is hosting the 2006 National ACAL Conference in Adelaide on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October 2006. Eventually a link will appear on http://www.acal.edu.au/ and you’ll be able to find out about updates on the venue and the Call for Papers.
10. Red Pocket Rabbit's Foot
This wonderful and moving collection of student writings about the fortune and misfortune in their lives is a fantastic classroom resource. Order your copy - or a class set - http://www.nswalnc.uts.edu.au/
11. Literacy Live
Online meetings in Literacy Live http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/course/view.php?id=221 will begin again on April 26 with a panel discussion about the uses of Digital Storytelling in ELLN programs. A group of experienced DST enthusiasts will join to discuss how they are using DST with students. This will be followed on May 25 with a session where you will be walked through the use of PhotoStory3 to create a digital story. PS3 is the easiest of the software options for digital storytelling and a great place to start both for teachers new to the concept and ICT, and students.
12. Creating Community through Public Speaking: An Introduction to Rhetoric
With Dr Robin McCormack
The workshop will consist of five 2-hour sessions
Session 1: The power of speech, Saturday 13th May, 2- 4 pm
Session 2: The voice of emotions, Saturday 27th May, 2-4 pm
Session 3: The voice of hope, Saturday 10th June, 2-4 pm
Session 4: The voice of selves and stories, Saturday 24th June, 2-4pm
Session 5: Speaking the speech, Saturday 8 July, 2-4 pm
Cost $75
Glenroy Neighbourhood Learning Centre
To save your place, or for further information ring 9304 3910 or email manager@glenlink.vic.edu.au
13. Adult literacy, numeracy and ESL teachers required at CAE
CAE (http://www.cae.edu.au) is seeking expressions of interest from qualified and experienced adult education teachers interested in doing emergency and/or sessional teaching in 2006. Teachers may be required for CGEA Literacy, Numeracy, Science, or GCO’s; and CESL Frameworks. Located in CBD. Expressions of interest including a CV, or requests for further information, may be submitted to: access@cae.edu.au.
14. VALBEC Membership
In the next little while an email will arrive reminding you that membership is overdue! Can you put it on the top of your to do list?
Thanks to those who have paid promptly and saved us admin time and money.
15. Subscribe to eVALBEC?
Click this link <mailto:info@valbec.org.au?subject=eVALBEC_Subscribe> and we’ll put you on the list to receive this monthly enewsletter.
16. Unsubscribe?
Just click this link <mailto:info@valbec.org.au?subject=eVALBEC_Unsubscribe> (no typing required!) and hit Send or, send an e-mail with the word Unsubscribe in the subject.
eVALBEC is the monthly electronic newsletter of (VALBEC) the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Education Council.
E-mail: info@valbec.org.au
Web: http://www.valbec.org.au
Postal: Box 861 Springvale South VIC 3172
Ph: 03 9546 6892
Fax: 03 9546 0421